Wildflowers Blue Large Berry Basket


Our Blue Large Wildflowers Berry Basket is berry special, if we do say so ourselves. Decorated with hand-painted blue stripes and our pretty Wildflowers pattern, this ceramic basket goes just about everywhere–in the kitchen, holding berries; to the bathroom, filled with soaps; to the home office, storing paper pads.

Product #: 35514-1752

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Our Blue Large Wildflowers Berry Basket is berry special, if we do say so ourselves. Decorated with hand-painted blue stripes and our pretty Wildflowers pattern, this ceramic basket goes just about everywhere–in the kitchen, holding berries; to the bathroom, filled with soaps; to the home office, storing paper pads.

Product #: 35514-1752

Información adicional


5.5" wide, 5.5" long, 4" tall


Ceramic. Pieces may vary due to the handmade nature of each product. Imported.

Care and Use

Hand-wash only.


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